• cbhcc@habari.co.tz
  • +255 767 456 698
Oljoro Water Project
  • Funded By : Simavi - Netherlands

Phase I

  • Between 2004 and 2006, CBHCC implemented a gravity water supply scheme for ten (10) villages in Arumeru and Simanjiro District.
  • Implemented activities in Phase one included Sensitization of communities to participate in contribution of labour, Formation of Project Steering Committee, Water Committee, Health Committee and facilitation of formation of COWSO
  • Also, erection of beacons, Hygiene and sanitation trainings, construction of four water tanks (1 (50,000) gallons and 3 (20,000) gallons), and Construction of Water points where done in phase one. Phase one of the project was funded by Simavi from the Netherlands

Phase II

  • Phase II of the project started in 2008 – 2009 This involved pipe lying from Mbuyuni village in Arusha District to Loisinyai village (Simanjiro District),
  • Other activities included, Hygiene and sanitation education and strengthening of the established COWSO (Oljoro Murriet Lisinyai -OLMULO).
  • Likewise, this phase was also funded by Simavi from the Netherlands.

Phase III

  • Phase III of the project started in 2010 to 2013 which involved supply of water to Laroi village (the biggest village in the project area), Hygiene and sanitation in 12 schools, and Reproductive health in Oljoro, Mirongoine and Mbuyuni villages.
  • This phase was also funded by Simavi from the Netherlands.
  • To-date the project is run by communities themselves, through formed COWSO and communities are paying for water.
  • Operation and maintenance is conducted by the formed COWSO under supervision of Arusha District Council.