• cbhcc@habari.co.tz
  • +255 767 456 698
Biharamulo Water Project
  • In 2018 CBHCC in collaboration with Charity: Water and Biharamulo District Council conducted a baseline survey in Biharamulo, Kibondo, Kakonko and Ngara to the Charity: Water funded project.
  • The baseline led to Technical assessment conducted by Charity:Water and CBHCC on functionality status of the water points in Biharamulo District and Kibondo.
  • In March 2018 CBHCC started a oneĀ  year implementation of the following activities:-
    • Field verification, survey and drilling of 10 new boreholes in Biharamulo District
    • Rehabilitation of 6 shallow wells (one in Biharamulo and five in Kibondo) and trainings on water management, operation and maintenance, business model and community mobilization and Preparation and signing Memorandum of Understanding between CBHCC, District Council and villages for sustaining the project.
    • The total cost for all activities is Tshs. 330,622,418/=. The project is ongoing.

From March 2020 CBHCC is implementing a Water Sanitation and Hygiene in Biharamulo District.

  • CBHCC will drill 12 boreholes and distribution of a mechanized borehole
  • Training to communities on financial management, business model and water management
  • Hygine campaign to communities
  • Community sensitization on sanitation and hygiene
  • Community Led Total Sanitation
  • The project if funded by Charity:Water the total funding is Tshs. 911,952,120/=
  • Rehabilitation of 5 boreholes in Kibondo District